Setting out to Fight Hunger

What We DoGet Involved

PORCH WesternWake is an all-volunteer, grassroots hunger relief organization. We collect food and cash donations through monthly neighborhood food drives, and then distribute food to hundreds of at-risk families in our community.

We started as a group of women in Cary who got together every month or so to network, chat and have good old fashioned girl time. We are all business/working women in one profession or another (lawyer, designer, teacher etc.) that have lived in Cary for a number of years and are all now in our … hmmm… in our … 40s, 50s and 60s! In other words, we are still young, and at the same time we are old enough to know that we still have a lot we CAN and want to do and accomplish.

Our Recipients

WesternWake Crisis Ministry

Western Wake Crisis Ministry is located in Apex. We give them non perishable food products, personal care items, cleaning and paper goods.

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National Guard Family Program

We provide between 10 and 20 boxes per month on a needs basis. These are given to returning soldiers, deployed soldiers families and disenfranchised veterans.

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Our donations to InterAct vary with availability of our monthly donations. They usually consist of juice boxes, individual fruit cups and apple sauce, can goods and personal care items.

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Ways to Help

Find out how the variety of ways you can help solve hunger in Western Wake.

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Ready to make a difference? Volunteer with Western Wake and make a difference right in your area today!

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Don’t have the time to volunteer but still want to help solve hunger in Western Wake? We are always in need of donations to help fund PORCH Western Wake’s efforts year round.



PORCH Communities fights food insecurity by creating sustainable hunger relief programs at the local level. Started in 2010 in Chapel Hill, NC, PORCH has grown into a repeatable model of monthly neighborhood food drives and fresh produce distribution supplying food pantries, schools, and community programs across the country. PORCH’s volunteer network, now in 550 neighborhoods across 10 states, has contributed more than $12 million dollars in hunger relief.