Student Ambassadors

Students fight hunger

PORCH makes it easy for any student to fight hunger in their hometown or college community.  We help Student Ambassadors turn their desire to help into action by providing food insecurity data, social media tools and a playbook on how to conduct PORCH Pop-Up food drives. PORCH Student Ambassadors can make an immediate contribution to their neighbors in need, and serve as a catalyst for creating sustainable local hunger relief programs.

What PORCH Student Ambassadors do:

1. SPREAD THE TRUTH ABOUT FOOD INSECURITY Use social media to share facts and bust myths about hunger in America  

2. CONDUCT A POP-UP FOOD DRIVE – Introduce the PORCH for Pantries model to get neighbors working together to support existing food distribution programs

3. CONNECT PORCH WITH PEOPLE AND PARTNERS WHO WANT TO DO MORE – Help those who want to sustain monthly hunger relief efforts learn how to start a local PORCH chapter


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